web designer. graphic designer. writer. artist.

about me.

When I began creating at 14, I didn’t think that my life would revolve around computer screens, cell phones, and making connections with people who would teach me as much as I teach them. I’m a single parent, a fiction writer, a freelance designer, and an artist looking to make the world beautiful in as many ways as possible. If you’d like to work with me or support me, please take a look at my CV and check out my shop, Drops From Venus.

skills !

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Branding & Marketing

web design.



Working with me to create, or recreate, your website includes a step-by-step breakdown of the process from initial design to the actual completion to bring your dream for your brand to life.

Copyediting isn’t just proofreading and fixing typos. There’s an art to telling a story and crafting your voice to promote your brand or even get your product the attention it deserves.

Whether it’s a new logo for a new business endeavor or a rebrand of a longstanding one, I specialize in making sure that you feel proud of your brand and make it stand out amongst the others.

services !

branding !

web designs !

a&j car wash

local business

ryan mills art

shop heretics

artist portfolio & blog
ecommerce site

subscribe to my substack!

A casual peek inside my mind when I've had time to think on any given topic for a touch too long.

let's work together !

get in touch !
